月別アーカイブ: 2月 2024
ネイルアドバンス エレクトリックファイル1dayコース
- 2024年3月14日(木)
- 美容師免許を持っているか、美容学校の生徒である方を対象
- 9am -12pm
- 1日間 費用は$200 + プラス税金
- HNA Students 20% Off
- 質問があれば、 電話 808-944-1121 または support@honolulunailacademy.com(日本語可)まで

ネイルテクニシャンコース キャンパス スタート 2024/3/15から
[ キャンパス / 対面 ]
Approved for students using GIBill®
- フルタイム: 9 am-5 pm, Mon-Fri 3/15/24- 5/29/24
- パートタイム:9am - 12pm(AM), Mon-Fri 3/15/24 - 9/17/24
[ ハイブリッド キャンパス /(対面+オンライン)]
- ハイブリット/フルタイム: 9 am-4 pm, Mon-Fri 3/15/24- 5/17/24
- ハイブリット/パートタイム : 9am - 12pm(AM), Mon-Fri 3/15/24 - 7/29/24
State Board Meeting on Feb 13, 2024: HNA online esthetics program
To All Students Wishing to Participate in the HNA Aesthetics Full Online Course (IMCS),
First and foremost, Honolulu Nails & Aesthetics Academy would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who participated in the February 13, 2024, Board Meeting and supported the HNA Esthetics Online System (IMCS). Also, We deeply appreciate the over 150 supporters who signed the petition in support.
We take to our heart your sentiments. We are actively considering how the HNA Aesthetics Online System can be “re-approved”, and we are committed to finding a solution in the future.
Over the past year, as you may have seen in our presentations during board meetings. We have diligently worked on improving and upgrading our IMCS program. However, despite these efforts, the board has rejected our proposals to approve the program. The decision they made in disappointment to many of our potential students has left us extremely disillusioned. We feel deep sadness that the board did not provide any response or comments to the sincere sentiments of the testimonies.
Please don’t worry. There will be no impact on students who have already enrolled and started.
Please watch the Board Meeting Minutes:
-May 16, 2023 > PDF 1
-September 12, 2023 > PDF 2
-November 14, 2023 > Virtual Board of Barbering and Cosmetology Meeting- November 14, 2023 - Zoom
-February 13, 2024 > Update soon
Documents submitted by HNA at the meeting:
-September 12, 2023 > Attached 1
-November 14, 2023 > Attached 2
-February 13, 2024 > Attached 3
Currently, The board has already approved 25% online attendance. However, the remaining 75% requires attendance at school or apprenticeship. In that case, distant students who learn from home will not be able to learn fully online and it will not help us anything.
We believe that the points being considered for implementing HNA's IMCS are not aligned with the goals of generating trained licensed estheticians who have carriers. Our intention is for participants to engage in classes (both video and live) from home, allowing them to build new careers without quitting their current jobs in support of their children and families. Our objective also includes reducing the number of unlicensed workers and estheticians providing safe services as professionals.
We are determined not to give up on our online esthetics program. As long as there are people in need of our program, we will continue to pursue the re-approval of IMCS from the board.
If you have any opinions or suggestions, please get in touch with us directly at yuko.ho@honolulunailacademy.com
Thank you for taking the time to read this message. We appreciate everyone's cooperation.
Director/Owner Yuko Ho
- Agree to sign the petition > Click here!
- Application form for waiting list > Esthetics License Course-FULL ONLINE-Application - HNA - forms (honolulunailacademy.com)
- Start for 100% of Theory > Click here!
- Start for 25% of the course > Click here! (Coming soon)